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2003-11-05 - 8:29 a.m.

The Turtle say�s �Quack, Quack, Quack�

Pickle had a pretty good weekend with his Dad. He got one hell of a candy haul. Two huge bags of just candy and one huge bag of just chips. My Pickle could charm a Leprechaun out of his gold.

So here�s the belated run down of my Birthday weekend.

Friday �
Dressed up as a cat for work� V1.0 conservatively.
Ate pizza and had cake with my co-workers
Got to leave work an hour early! YAY!
Called a cab
Might as well have not stop working it�s now AFTER the time I normally get off
Got in cab with crusty fasting cab driver
Met up with Lex
Paul in his very awesome very creepy costume came over to hang out with us
Dressed up as a cat for the bar� V2.0 Smutty McSmutterson
Went out with all my friends who rock my bum, make me howl with laughter and make me very glad that I know them.
Drank too much
Watched Lou win the costume contest because his Pinhead costume RULED.
Drank WAY too much
Drank WAY WAY too much
Stumbled out of the bar
Ate my first ever Chicken Shwarma� YUM!
Passed Out� Very Happy Birthday to me.

Saturday �
Brought new meaning to the definition of Sloth
Talked to an ex boyfriend that I hadn�t seen in awhile
Finally showered and got dressed
It was dark outside at this point
Went to Spicers house with Lex Ate one bitchin dinner cooked by Spicer. I want him to be my wife.
Met up with Corina and above mentioned ex boyfriend
Killed many a brain cell watching the vapid human being that is Anna Nicole Smith

Sunday �
Went to my very wonderful, very pregnant friend Aleta�s baby shower
Lex, Corina and I gave her our present, which consisted of itty bitty, so cute you want to pass out, baby socks and a onesy
and the kicker?
A turtle that quacks like a duck

It was marked down as damaged because they put the wrong voice box in it. The three of us nearly pee�d our pants laughing, so needless to say we couldn�t leave it there. Poor baby though. He/She is going to grow up thinking that turtles quack.

One last point that was brought up however is that if they put the WRONG voice box in the turtle... What did the right one do?



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