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2003-11-25 - 8:36 a.m.

Kiss Mine

Fuck! I just spent 25 minutes writing out a nice long entertaining entry and what happens?

My computer picks that time to just reboot itself. Which it's been doing for the past 4 days since the upgraded my piece of shit computer to XP. Great program, except the fucking dinosaur I have can't run it.

There's is no pattern to it, no rhyme or reason, it just restarts.
"Oh you want to print something?" Reboot.
"Oh you want to open Outlook?" Reboot.
"Oh you just spent 25 minutes typing out a diary entry?" Reboot.
"Ha Ha Ha Sucker".

So yeah, even the computer I work with in this place is a bitch.

4 more days.

It's not coming fast enough.



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