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2003-11-26 - 8:06 a.m.

Derailed Train of Thought

WOO! 3 more days and counting! I'm so excited I could pee. Ohh! Then they'd have to get a new chair. HA! It would serve them right.

I got up before my alarm went off this morning. This is a very rare thing indeed, considering I already get up before any other living creature. It was nice though because I had time to do a bunch of things I never have time for in the morning. I usually have to take time at night when I'd much rather be a giant sloth.

I plucked my eyebrows, shaved some things, did my hair and my make-up and I was up the stairs and ready to go before my dad finished his breakfast... which he nearly choked on when he saw I was ready to leave.

So on the man front, I had sorta kinda started seeing an ex of mine again. Bizarre let me tell you. Going back doesn't much work for me know why? Because he did the exact same thing THIS time that he did LAST time. He email's me tells me that he'd like to talk to me again, we talk on the phone, we hook up, yadda yadda yadda, he tells me he likes hanging out with me and then he disappears. Last time I got the whole, "I'm not ready for a relationship blah blah blah". Fine... it's not like I showed up at his door in a wedding dress. This time I didn't even get a phone call. I totally got played folks. Well at any rate, if he ever decides to call me again I have a few choice words and phrases for him. Men are idiots.

Jeez, I'm all over the place today. My thoughts are scattering like roaches when a light comes on. I think I'm just excited about getting this week over with. Excited and nervous at the same time. Okay, definitely more excited than nervous.

Very excited.


Okay I'm going to go calm down now.


I was having whacked out dreams this time last year.


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